Monday, September 15, 2008

My Science Fair

For the last few weeks I have been working on my science experiment. My title is Can Candles Bow Out By Themselves. I found out that they can because when you mix the vinegar and the bicarbonate soda together it forms carbon dioxide gas. When the carbon dioxide gas rises up the candle, it pushes the oxygen away from the flame and so the candle goes out. Candles can not burn without oxygen so they went out without me blowing them out. This was interesting to watch. I enjoyed this experiment a lot.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Each week my class and I have been reading a myth and completing an activity. We have 15 activities to choose from and we only have to do 5 of them. It is fun doing them and trying all of the different activities. I have done three and I am up to my fourth one now. My favourite activity so far has been activity number two. I read one myth from the website a week and do a activity for that myth. I think all of the myths I have done are creative in many different ways. There are lots of great myths to read. My favourite myth that I have read would have to be Matilda's Bracelet. The activity I did for this myth was write a poem for your story. You had to make the poem up by yourself. It was fun an interesting trying to make the words rhyme with the other words. To make this poem I had to burn around the edges and use different paper. Here is my poem. Hope you like it and think it is creative.