Thursday, November 20, 2008
4M's Visit To The Good Shepherd Home
On Tuesday 18th November 4M went to The Good Shepherd Home to visit the elderly people. I performed with a couple of people and we sang the Bear Necessities while one of the mum's played the piano. They really enjoyed the performance. Then after we performed we gave them li Christmas gifts and had a chat. In no time at all, it was time to go. We said bye and then caught the bus back to school. We had such a fun time, even though we only stay there for an hour.

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Haiku Poem-Friends
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Poems- Quatrain
My class and I have been learning about lots of different poems. One of the poems we have learnt about is a quatrain poem. A quatrain poem is where the first and third line rhyme and the second and forth line rhyme. These are some of the quatrain poems I have written.
Alley Way Animals
I met a white cat,
Down the bitcheman alley way.
Talking to a black bat,
Just the other day.
Wild Dog
I sat next to a wild dog
in the dark forest,
on a long log,
And I think his name was Morest.
Alley Way Animals
I met a white cat,
Down the bitcheman alley way.
Talking to a black bat,
Just the other day.
Wild Dog
I sat next to a wild dog
in the dark forest,
on a long log,
And I think his name was Morest.

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Free Verse Poem- Cats
A free verse poem is where you can have as many lines as you want.
Meow Meow!
Says the very fat alley cat.
Purr Purr!
Look at her lovely ginger fur.
Row Row!
She's getting very tired.
How How!
She needs to be admired.
Zzz Zzz!
She is fast asleep.
Shh Shh!
She had a little peep.
Hush Hush!
Shut your eyes.
When you wake up you can have some delicious, delightful meat pie.
Mmm Mmm!
Meow Meow!
Says the very fat alley cat.
Purr Purr!
Look at her lovely ginger fur.
Row Row!
She's getting very tired.
How How!
She needs to be admired.
Zzz Zzz!
She is fast asleep.
Shh Shh!
She had a little peep.
Hush Hush!
Shut your eyes.
When you wake up you can have some delicious, delightful meat pie.
Mmm Mmm!

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Eugene Field
I did some research last week on this poet. He was born in 1850. He died when he was was 45.
There are a few schools named after him.
There are a few schools named after him.
Onomatopoeia- Swimming
This is my poem using onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia is where you can hear the sound in a word and be able to say it.
Example- woof, crash.
The students dive in the pool
Splash! Splash! Splash!
It's cool!
They kick their legs
Kick! Kick! Kick!
Their legs have to be as straight as pegs.
They take a big breath
Hhh! Hhh! Hhh!
The students paddle with their arms
Wsh! Wsh! Wsh!
They do a tumble turn against the wall
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Their feet are sore
They glide through the water
Swishhhh! Swishhhh! Swishhhh!
The lesson has finished
Yeay! Yeay! Yeay!
They all say.
Example- woof, crash.
The students dive in the pool
Splash! Splash! Splash!
It's cool!
They kick their legs
Kick! Kick! Kick!
Their legs have to be as straight as pegs.
They take a big breath
Hhh! Hhh! Hhh!
The students paddle with their arms
Wsh! Wsh! Wsh!
They do a tumble turn against the wall
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Their feet are sore
They glide through the water
Swishhhh! Swishhhh! Swishhhh!
The lesson has finished
Yeay! Yeay! Yeay!
They all say.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Network Of Friends
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Shape Poems- Term 4
It is now term 4 and nearly the end of the year. We have been learning about what a shape poem is. A shape poem is where you write a poem around a shape and then rub the shape out. I have written a shape poem about a dog. Here it is.
I am a dog that loves to bark loudly, play games and have lots of attention. When I am really excited I love to jump around ridiculously and bark madly. Exercising is fun. I like to play fetch. I am a cute, cuddly, curios dog but I am not clumsy. I'm athletic. Whoof Whoof!
I am a dog that loves to bark loudly, play games and have lots of attention. When I am really excited I love to jump around ridiculously and bark madly. Exercising is fun. I like to play fetch. I am a cute, cuddly, curios dog but I am not clumsy. I'm athletic. Whoof Whoof!
Monday, September 15, 2008
My Science Fair
For the last few weeks I have been working on my science experiment. My title is Can Candles Bow Out By Themselves. I found out that they can because when you mix the vinegar and the bicarbonate soda together it forms carbon dioxide gas. When the carbon dioxide gas rises up the candle, it pushes the oxygen away from the flame and so the candle goes out. Candles can not burn without oxygen so they went out without me blowing them out. This was interesting to watch. I enjoyed this experiment a lot.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Each week my class and I have been reading a myth and completing an activity. We have 15 activities to choose from and we only have to do 5 of them. It is fun doing them and trying all of the different activities. I have done three and I am up to my fourth one now. My favourite activity so far has been activity number two. I read one myth from the website a week and do a activity for that myth. I think all of the myths I have done are creative in many different ways. There are lots of great myths to read. My favourite myth that I have read would have to be Matilda's Bracelet. The activity I did for this myth was write a poem for your story. You had to make the poem up by yourself. It was fun an interesting trying to make the words rhyme with the other words. To make this poem I had to burn around the edges and use different paper. Here is my poem. Hope you like it and think it is creative.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
All About The Different Things I Learnt This Week
This week we were learning about responsibility. Me and one of my friends were working on a poster and the title was How To Be Responsible. Over the week we have thought about many different ways of how to be responsible. Here is our Responsibility poster. I hope you like it.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Olympic Games 2008
This week I learnt what all the rings on the Olympic flag represent. The rings represent the 5 major land ares around the world. I also learnt that the Olympics are held once a leap year. In the Olympics there are only 3 medals to win and they are gold which is 1st, silver which is 2nd and bronze which is 3rd. This is my title page for SOSE.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
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